Gas Ducted forced air systems

Heating Systems Tauranga Services

Talk to us about the quickest way to heat the home – Almost instantly! With gas ducted forced air heating

We’re Tauranga’s experts in gas heating

Gas ducted forced air heating systems are highly energy-efficient because they heat fast and move warm air around the home quickly. They circulate and re-heat returning air which is then redistributed through the ducts. Having a ducted heat transfer system in your home can be a great addition, keeping your whole home warm and dry all year round.

How they work

The gas heater unit warms the air at a central point and carries it throughout the home via 5 or more interior heating ducts to supply subtle dry warmth to each room; while the return ducts take cool air from the room back to the heating unit to be warmed and redistributed. The system can be adjusted to only heat the rooms you desire and rooms can be turned on and off at the flick of a switch.

Why they’re good

  • Very energy-efficient
  • Deliver instant heat
  • One unit can heat the whole house, depending on the number of interior ducts installed
  • Air-filtering models are available

How much will it cost?

They are the cheapest form of ducted heating available at a cost for the average home of approximately $8500.00

Get In Touch

Talk to us today to discuss your heating requirements

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